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What to Expect 1 Week, 2 Weeks, and 3 Weeks After Tummy Tuck

What to Expect 1 Week, 2 Weeks, and 3 Weeks After Tummy Tuck

Also known by the moniker abdominoplasty, a tummy tuck surgery is one of the common procedures that many present-day women rely upon to get their bodies back in shape. While the surgery is generally quick, recovery may take up to several months. It can be quite exasperating when you realize that you are unable to get to your feet. However, the imperative need of the hour is to give your body an ample amount of time to heal properly.

If you are thinking of reaping the many perks offered by tummy tuck procedures or have just embarked on the recovery process, this article is meant for you. Through this post, we will provide a week-by-week look at the tummy tuck recovery process so you are aware of what to expect.

What to Expect Day 1 Post-Op?

After the surgery is accomplished, you are allowed to go back home and take proper rest. You are advised not to drive, so it will be better if someone can drop you.

During this period, you can expect the following:

  • Drowsiness
  • Swelling around the abdominal area
  • Nausea
  • Slightest of pain that may either be dull or throbbing.

Tips for Care Day 1 Post-Op

Following are some of the tips that may emerge as your savior

    • Someone Around to Assist You

For the dressing, lifting, and other small tasks, you will need round-the-clock assistance. Hence, it is pivotal that someone is available with you.

    • Restrict Your Movements

Due to the recent surgery, you must restrict your movements so that the wound doesn't get impacted in any of the ways. Working out after a tummy tuck must be essentially ditched. 

    • Don't Shower

Avoid taking a shower. Instead using body wipes to sponge your body will be the safest bet. 

What to Expect in Week 1 Post-Op

The first couple of days after the surgery are considered to be the toughest time. But paying close attention to the doctor's advice can certainly help in speeding the recovery process. 

Possible Side Effects

  • Sensation of tightness
  • Swelling
  • Skin numbness
  • Bruising 
  • Pain

Tips for Care

  • Try staying hydrated as it will help to flush out toxins
  • The slightest of movements in the shape of walking can be done
  • Do not shower till the drains are removed
  • Wearing your compression garment should be imperatively done to minimise swelling.

What to Expect Week 2 Post-Op

In the second-week post-surgery, you are expected to realise conspicuous changes. 

Possible Side Effects

After the two weeks are over, you will feel:

  • Pain getting lessened
  • The swelling has come down to a great extent
  • Bruising has begun to fade

Tips for Care

  • Walking around for a while is advisable.But at the same time do not strain yourself.
  • Continue to wear your compression garment at all times unless when showering.

What to Expect Week 3 Post-Op

At three weeks post-op, many patients have already embarked on following their normal schedule. But it should be done only after bringing the situation into the limelight of your treating doctor.

Possible Side Effects

By this time, you will begin to feel confident about yourself. During this period:

  • Pain is greatly lessened
  • Any kind of swelling or bruising has already gone
  • Numbness to an extent is there
  • You are able to stand straight.

Tips for Care

  • Continue to follow the set of guidelines instructed by your doctor. Any tummy tuck exercise as advised by the professional can be embraced.
  • Keep on wearing your compression garment without fail.
  • Avoid lifting too heavy things.

To Wrap Up

When you proactively consider the above tips, rest assured the recovery path becomes quite easy. And to further help you in making things easier for you, our range of products can emerge as your savior. They can play a vital role to help manage the drains and dwindle your pain, helping you feel calm, secure, and in control as you recover.

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